Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dancing into the Ether

Some nights I sport a silly grin,
Dancing alone in my room. 
I move to the notes of yesterday, when,
Life played a more comfortable tune.

I remember past dancing partners,
Under tonight’s same haunting moon.
Those friends, artists and melodies,
Are fading away, all too soon. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Yakima Stalker

I get daily mail from Yakima,
The sender suffers from delusions.
She thinks I write and talk to her
Inserting love into her illusions.

In her mind I am hurting,
She begs to share my pain…
Then curses me for not acknowledging
Her emails, threatening once again.

She quickly begs forgiveness,
Wanting new starts, all brand new…
All this from a total stranger
I never met and never knew.

“She’s in her 80’s”, the cop said,
“Report her letters every day…
We may contact her relatives,
To commit her, keep her at bay”.

Everyday another letter;
The harassment just won’t leave…
Unchecked mental illness
Is my last two year’s “Pet Peeve”.

Footnote:  So 5 25 15 I get this from Lorrene in Yakima, WA "
I'm having a hard time deciding if you want to hear from me or not. It seems so, but maybe not. I just don't know what to think anymore. 
I'll give it this little feeble try and see what happens." 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Mast

Prepare to face the weight of wind,
As we sail an uncharted sea…
You are my power, you guide my direction,
You transport and set me free.

I will lower sails before the storm,
To prevent your mast from breaking…
If we fail, the both of us,
Are free for a beachcomber’s taking.

The shoreline's littered with markers,
Remembering those lost at sea,
Placed there by widows and shipmates;
None there for lone sailors like me.