Thursday, September 21, 2017

Leaving the Island

My last chapter of island living,
Sadly, surrenders my wonderful house…
Along with all my beloved possessions,
And yes, that devious Mouse!

Refusing to be island bound,
We used float planes and the ferries…
Our souls floated on air and water,
As each destination varies.

I will miss this island’s good friends,
And fear the future of living alone…
Yet strangely what I’ll miss the most,
Is a ferry, bringing me home.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Time, Where Did You Go?

You will never be forgotten,
Nor will Hank and Tennessee….
Gentile, passionate men of the south,
Those Williams’s boys are history,

Rest in peace Don Williams,
Your lyrics echo in my mind…
Back to your Pozo Seco days
Lamenting the passage of time.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


There exist ancient written pages,
Rubbed out and written over anew.
Histories reimagined again,
On a new political point of view.

Palimpsests, exist still, in the digital age,
Made easier with the backspace key…
Politicians rewrite facts daily now,
The words on top, newest history.

My earliest poetry in journals,
Reflects decades of pain and tears.
My latest erasures and overwrites,
Repaint these days as my greatest years.