Saturday, August 29, 2020

Silent Morning


Sometimes age may dictate changes,

You obey the signs and do not cry,

There are so many different directions,

Yet few available options to try.


Denial can’t make smart decisions,

You succumb to accepting your fate.

Relatives make the harsh decisions,

Designing a safer life out of state.


I suddenly remembered today,

I used to live on an island…

In a house on a cliff by the water,

With a view and orchard I walked in.


I recall tossing the keys on the floor

Closing the door, that very last morning…

Boarding the ferry for one last time,

To commence my silent mourning.


  1. Replies
    1. Your two words to me, meant more to me than you will ever know. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to "Get it". I wish you a smooth ride into growing old.

    2. Ha ha. I said two words and you only posted one word. I did that and you were a math teacher. I'll accept the


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